
Aakash Bansal

PhD in CSE, University of Notre Dame

Hi! my name is Aakash Bansal. I am an incoming tenure-track Assistant Professor at Division of Computer Science within Louisiana State University. I recently earned my PhD from the University of Notre dame advised by Prof. Collin McMillan in the Automatic Program Comprehension Lab (APCL). Before that, I earned my Masters in Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the University of Surrey with distinction. I work on developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques with applications in Software Engineering (SE).

My research interests are at the intersection of AI and SE. My long-term research objective is to bridge the gap between human program comprehension and automatic program comprehension. My short-term research focus is the advancement of neural networks specializing in modeling source code. Specifically, source code summarization, a well-defined task of taking source code and generating natural language descriptions, with applications in code documentation, education, and software maintainance to name a few. I am also interested in bio-inspired machine intelligence that drives my ongoing research.

I am looking to hire self-motivated PhD students who are interested in research that helps improve the workflow and efficiency of software engineers and robustness of software. Please reach out through the email icon below.


Mar 22, 2024 I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation! commencement ceremony on May 18th!
Jan 15, 2024 Our exciting new paper titled EyeTrans: Merging Human and Machine Attention for Neural Code Summarization, accepted at FSE 2024
Jan 1, 2024 Our Tool Demo paper titled CodeGRITS: A Research Toolkit for Developer Behavior and Eye Tracking in IDE, accepted at ICSE2024
Aug 28, 2023 I am serving on the PC for the Gaze meets ML workshop 2023 at NeurIPS, please consider sumitting your work!
Jul 15, 2023 Our Tool Demo paper titled A Language Model of Java Methods with Train/Test Deduplication, accepted at ESEC/FSE2023